课程: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (be) dying to
- (be) scared to death
- abandon
- Abigail
- abolish
- abolition
- absence
- absurd
- abundant
- academic
- access
- accessible
- accommodation
- accompany
- acknowledge
- adapt
- adapt to
- adequate
- adjust
- adjust to
- affair
- affection
- agent
- airmail
- alarm
- alarmed
- all in all
- all the best
- alphabetical
- ambition
- ambitious
- anecdote
- angle
- anniversary
- annoy
- annoyance
- annoyed
- annual
- Antarctic
- apology
- approval
- apron
- aquarium
- architect
- armchair
- arrangement
- as far as one is concerned
- as well as
- aside
- assessment
- assistance
- astronaut
- autonomous
- aware
- awesome
- awful
- bachelor
- bachelor’s degree
- baleen
- baleen whale
- Bangladesh
- bark
- Barry Minto
- basement
- battery
- be aware of
- be bound to
- be occupied with
- become aware of
- bedding
- bench
- beneficial
- biochemistry
- biography
- blow-hole
- bonus
- Boston
- bound
- boundary
- bowling
- broom
- bubble
- bucket
- bump
- cafeteria
- cage
- catalogue
- cell
- certificate
- chapter
- Claire
- clam
- Clancy
- clerk
- click
- clinic
- clumsy
- comb
- comfort
- community
- companion
- concept
- conduct
- congratulate
- congratulation
- conservation
- contradict
- counter
- cuisine
- cushion
- cut out
- Cuzco
- day in and day out
- declare
- depth
- desire
- destination
- dictation
- digital
- dignity
- dimension
- disability
- disabled
- disobey
- distribute
- distribution
- dive
- divorce
- donate
- draft
- drag
- driftnet
- drill
- dry out
- dry up
- earphone
- economic
- eel
- elegant
- empire
- encouragement
- enterprise
- entry
- envy
- essay
- evil
- exit
- eyesight
- favour
- fellow
- fiction
- financial
- fingernail
- firm
- fit in
- flashlight
- flee
- fortnight
- framework
- fulfilling
- geographical
- giant
- Gladys Claffern
- govern
- graduation
- grand
- grey
- grill
- haircut
- handy
- harpoon
- hear from
- hearing
- Help (…) out
- hike
- holy
- household
- hut
- iceberg
- idiom
- imagination
- impair
- in all
- in many ways
- in need
- in other words
- in the meantime
- Inca
- infantile paralysis
- inn
- interpreter
- Isaac Asimov
- italics
- Jamie
- jar
- jog
- Julie
- junior
- keep it up
- Kenya
- Lake Titicaca
- lap
- Larry Belmont
- leap
- leave…alone
- lecture
- leftover
- Lia
- Lima
- lip
- literature
- loan
- Machu Picchu
- mailbox
- mainstream
- make fun of
- makeup
- Malawi
- Marion
- Marty
- master’s degree
- meantime
- meet with
- microscope
- migration
- minibus
- motherland
- Mount Kilimanjaro
- muddy
- narrow
- navy
- neat
- necklace
- Nepal
- net
- never mind
- noisy
- numb
- oar
- obey
- occupy
- offshore
- oilfield
- onwards
- operate
- opposite
- optional
- otherwise
- out of breath
- out of the question
- outgoing
- outwards
- overboard
- overweight
- ox
- paperwork
- Papua
- parallel
- parrot
- part-time
- participate
- pause
- pension
- pensioner
- Peru
- PhD=Doctor of Philosophy
- Philadelphia
- pile
- platform
- plough
- political
- politics
- preparation
- privilege
- profit
- psychologically
- psychology
- Puno
- purchase
- pure
- qualification
- queue
- receiver
- recommend
- rectangle
- rectangular
- reflect
- refund
- relationship
- relevant
- remote
- requirement
- resign
- revise
- revision
- ridge
- ring up
- roof
- Rosalyn
- routine
- row
- Rugby
- Sally
- Sam
- Sanders
- satisfaction
- scan
- scare
- sea-slug
- seal
- seaside
- seaweed
- security
- seed
- seedling
- seminar
- set aside
- settle in
- sew
- sewing machine
- shallow
- shark
- sharp
- shopkeeper
- shore
- sit around
- site
- slavery
- sniff
- snorkel
- software
- staff
- state
- steep
- substitute
- suck
- Sudan
- suitable
- supplement
- sympathy
- syndrome
- tailor
- talent
- tank
- Tanzania
- target
- tasty
- teamwork
- telescope
- test out
- textbook
- the Amazon
- the Andes
- the Antarctic
- the Foundation
- the other day
- theoretical
- thinking
- tide
- tin
- toast
- tomb
- tortoise
- tractor
- transfusion
- travel agent
- trunk
- trunk library
- turn around
- turtle
- tutor
- Uganda
- upside down
- urge
- vaccination
- videophone
- visa
- vivid
- voluntary
- weed
- weekly
- wheelchair
- witness
- yell