课程: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- a
- a (great) number of
- a series of
- abandon
- ability
- able
- abnormal
- aboard
- abolish
- abortion
- about
- above
- abroad
- abrupt
- absence
- absent
- absolute
- absorb
- abstract
- absurd
- abundant
- abuse
- academic
- academy
- accelerate
- accent
- accent
- accept
- access
- accessible
- accident
- accommodation
- accompany
- accomplish
- account
- accountant
- accumulate
- accuracy
- accuse
- accustomed
- ache
- achieve
- achievement
- acid
- acknowledge
- acquaintance
- acquire
- acquisition
- acre
- across
- act
- action
- active
- active
- activity
- actor
- actress
- actual
- actually
- acute
- AD
- AD
- adapt
- adaptation
- add
- add up
- addicted
- addition
- address
- adequate
- adjust
- adjustment
- administration
- admirable
- admire
- admission
- admit
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adopt
- adore
- adult
- advance
- advantage
- adventure
- advertise
- advertisement
- advice
- advise
- advocate
- aeroplane
- affair
- affect
- affection
- afford
- afraid
- Africa
- African
- African
- after
- afternoon
- afterward
- again
- against
- age
- agency
- agenda
- agent
- aggression
- aggressive
- ago
- agree
- agreement
- agricultural
- agriculture
- ahead
- aid
- aim
- air
- aircraft
- airline
- airmail
- airplane
- airport
- airspace
- alarm
- album
- alcohol
- alcoholic
- algebra
- alike
- alive
- all
- allergic
- alley
- allocate
- allow
- allowance
- almost
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloud
- alphabet
- already
- also
- alternative
- although
- altitude
- altitude
- altogether
- aluminium
- always
- am
- amateur
- amaze
- amazing
- ambassador
- ambiguous
- ambition
- ambulance
- America
- American
- among
- amount
- ample
- Amsterdam
- amuse
- amusement
- Amy
- analysis
- analyze
- ancestor
- anchor
- ancient
- and
- anecdote
- anger
- angle
- angry
- animal
- ankle
- anniversary
- announce
- announcement
- annoy
- annual
- another
- answer
- ant
- anti-
- anti-black
- antique
- anxiety
- anxious
- any
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anywhere
- apart
- apartment
- apartment
- apologize
- apology
- apparent
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appendix
- appetite
- applaud
- apple
- applicant
- application
- apply
- appoint
- appointment
- appreciate
- appreciation
- approach
- appropriate
- approve
- approximately
- April
- apron
- Arabic
- arbitrary
- arch
- architect
- architecture
- Arctic
- are
- area
- argue
- argument
- arise
- arithmetic
- arm
- armchair
- army
- around
- arrange
- arrangement
- arrest
- arrival
- arrive
- arrow
- art
- article
- artificial
- artist
- as
- as a matter of fact
- as if
- as usual
- ash
- ashamed
- Asia
- Asian
- aside
- ask
- asleep
- aspect
- assess
- assessment
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- associate
- association
- assume
- assumption
- astonish
- astronaut
- astronomer
- astronomy
- at
- at an end
- at dusk
- at midnight
- at present
- athlete
- athletic
- athletics
- Atlantic
- atlas
- atmosphere
- atom
- attach
- attack
- attain
- attempt
- attend
- attention
- attentively
- attitude
- attitude
- attract
- attraction
- attractive
- audience
- August
- aunt
- Australia
- Australian
- authentic
- author
- authority
- automatic
- autonomous
- autumn
- available
- avenue
- average
- avoid
- awake
- award
- aware
- away
- awesome
- awful
- awkward